Finally, maybe an end has come to adverts and spam messages from MTN. Almost every Mtn subscribers are tired of frustrating messages from 5021, 5029, 3033 and many more. Are you tired of receiving advert messages from MTN? You can stop receiving these messages with the little trick I will show you.
To be candidy, it is fustrating when you are expecting an important alert, and all of a sudden you receive a message notification on your phone, just to check it and find out
it is an advert message from MTN or spam messages from 3033, 5021 and the likes. It is kind of frequent to receive over 40 useless messages which are only ads and spams. The most fustratrating is that the more you delete them, the more you receive them.
Here comes the solution to receiving advert messages and spam messages from MTN. To stop receiving ads and spam messages, text STOP to 33111
You will receive a message that you will be removed from our campaign database in 24hours.then you are done.
Hope it is a relief? Don't forget to share with friends.
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