It has been tweaking of imei on andriod to get free data all this while but we are dancing to another beat this time around. I am going to show you how to get 1GB on your Airtel sim without tweakinng any imei at all. You can get this 1GB on any phone be it Nokia torchlight phone. All you have to do is to follow the simple steps below and you will get 1GB on your Airtel sim.
You can see from the picture that I got mine 1GB on a small phone. So you can use any phone to get yours too. Just follow the simple procedures below and if you have any questions kindly post your comment.
==> Generate a valid imei from this imei 356241060679883. To generate your own valid imei, add any 2,3 or 4 numbers at random to the first 12,11 or 10 numbers above respectively so as to make 14 numbers.
==> For andriod users, use Imei Analyzer to get the last digit so as to have a valid imei. For non-andriod get the last digit from so as to have a valid imei.
==> After generating your own valid imei, send S356241060679883 to 232. i.e send S(imei you generated) to 232
==> Wait till you receive a reply message from 232
==> After that send JOIN to 141
==> Simple,you will receive a message "Congratulations, you have activated the SMART SIM offer.You have been given given FREE 1GB FREE Data plan valid for 30days.
==> Dail *123*133# to check balance.
Note: If you receive "Sorry you can only enjoy SMART SIM offer once" this means the imei has been used just generate another imei and repeat the procedures.
Don't forget to drop your comments
Why i am unable to send sms to 232 and also unble to send JOIN to 141. "message is not sent" in both cases. What to do