Yesterday, I was chatting, when a friend of mine sent a link to me that konga is giving out a minimum of #500 Airtime upon registering and referring 5 people. I was moved a bit by this and give it a trial. But believe me, the whole thing was a Scam, I didn't receive any #500 Airtime .

Konga Warns Nigerians About The “Konga Airtime Giveaway” Some BC’s were flying all across BBM,Whatsapp and all other social media about the Konga Airtime Giveaway,People were asked to Invite their Friends, Drop their details such as Phone Numbers, Name and
Network etc. and they will be given #500 Airtime for any 5 people who register through the name of the referral. Konga just claimed it was a Scam and that they
know nothing about such promo via their Twitter Account.
See Tweets:-


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