Psiphon handler  has been a better option to enjoy free browsing using Etisalat chat pack  or Mtn Musicplus . The psiphon handler application has different types of versions. But the problem associated with most of these psiphon versions is that they consume too much ram and display a lot of ads that's while a lite version of psiphon is introduced which consumes less ram and does not display ads. Also Psiphon pro lite version does not drain must battery compare to normal psiphon handler.

1. It is faster
2. It doesn't disconnect often and it is more stable
3. It is one of the best solutions to stop speed throttling on Etisalat chat/social pack cheat
4. It takes less storage space because it is just 4MB unlike the normal Psiphon handler that is more than 10MB in size.
5. There is no ads in this lite version unlike the normal version where ads from different sources display at the homepage. The only ad that display on this lite version homepage is the "about Psiphon" page.
6. Upload and download data faster because of no ads that run on background.
7. It doesn't drain battery and phone RAM like the normal Psiphon app which normally hangs phone that runs on 512MB RAM.
8. Beautiful user interface and a blue icon.

Download Psiphon pro lite version from this link or this link

You can use the new psiphon pro lite with the same settings for the normal psiphon for unlimited browsing using Mtn Musicplus plus or Etisalat chat pack cheat or Etisalat free browsing with N0.0. Just configure the new psiphon pro lite version with the normal settings you are using for your former Psiphon Handler and enjoy a faster browsing speed with Psiphon pro lite version
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